Monday, April 5, 2010


  1. What are social studies?

    Social studies deal with the study of man and his relationship with other men and with the environment. They call upon many fields of knowledge for subject matter content.
    Social studies concern itself with human beings, those most fascinating of all creatures who, in a variety of ingenious ways, can device means of meeting their basic needs and developing a social system in a wide range of different environment.
    Social science has traditionally been regarded as the parent discipline of social studies. Instruction in social studies is drawn from the following disciplines.

    Social study is the study of man and his relationship with his social and physical environments.
  • Geography
  • History
  • Social psychology
  • Philosophy
  • Sociology
  • Anthropology
  • Political science
  • Economics

These disciplines acquaint the child with his social and physical environments, and have a unique responsibility to help the child learn those understandings, attitudes, and skills which are necessary for democratic citizenship. Social studies make an important contribution to the social education of children. They have fact; a special responsibility to assist children to learn social living skills- Examples will be given.

The scope of social studies includes the content, subject matter or the experience that are to be provided to the learner through the teaching of this subject.
The scope of social studies is vast as it includes a variety of man’s needs and problems. It has a very wide scope.
The National Council for Social Science. (NCSS- USA) 1994 include the following in the scope of Social Science.

  1. CULTURE: Characteristics of the cultures found in the world are studied and children are taught the similarities of the cultures and appreciation of those different cultures are done in this course.
  2. TIME, CONTINUETY AND CHANGE: Change is an important factor in social studies when and how are the three questions answered by social science. What was man in the past, how he has learnt different things, what his achievements are and how he has reached at this stage? All these questions are answered through this subject.
  3. PEOPLE, PLACES AND ENVIRONMENT: People living in different parts of the world face different environmental and geographical problems relating to their physical and geographical conditions. Environment has an effect on people and places. What are those influences? How do people get affected? What are their life styles?
  4. DEVELOPING RESPONCIBLE CITIZENS: Developing them as responsible and accountable citizens, who will be informed and educated citizen of the country, who will be aware about their rights and duties?
  5. INDIVIDUAL GROUP AND ORGANIZATION: Individual is definitely influenced by the various groups and organizations which are present in the society. So it includes study of all the institutions and organizations of the society.
  6. POWER, AUTHIRITY AND GOVERNMENT: It includes the types of government the, rights and duties of citizens. It also includes the study of state’s powers and authorities as well as how the state protects their citizens.
  7. PRODUCTION, DISTRIBUTION AND CONSUMPTION: Here social studies take assistance of economics in studying the production, distribution and consumption of resources and their influence on human behavior and national growth.
  8. SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETY: Society is definitely influenced by the development in science and technology and it contributes to the economy of the nation so social studies include the study of science and technology and their influence on human life.
  9. GLOBAL INTERDEPENDENT: People are dependent on other countries for their daily needs. Countries have interdependence in the field of trade, commerce, transportation, communication and research so Social Science also includes the study of world’s interdependence.
  10. DEMOCRATIC IDEALS AND PRACTICES: Social Studies aim at producing responsible productive citizens of the world by stressing on universal citizenship and global citizenship concepts.
  11. CURRENT TRANDS AND CURRENT ISSUES IN THE WORLD: Social Studies include the study of current events in the community states and countries as well as the world so the citizens can become aware about world affairs and new developments, which can help them to become aware citizens who can participate in the societal enlistment.


The major objectives of Social Science education are to help children learn about the social world in which they live and how the world got that way. It should teach them to learn to cope with social realities, and to develop the knowledge attitudes ad skills needed to adjust to the ever changing society and being a world citizen.

There are three basic goals of social studies.

  • knowledge and Information goals
  • Attitude and value goals
  • Skill goals

    Knowledge about the world, geography of the world, its people and their cultures. About the community, the home state, neighbouring states, the nation and the other nations of the world. How people live in different parts of the world and how they interact and depend on each other.

  1. The legal and political systems of their own nation and the nations of the world similarities and differences.
  2. Basic human institutions such as family, educational, religious other economic institutes of international and world organizations.
  3. The environment in the world and how people use or misuse the natural resources of their own country and the world at a large. The environmental problems- natural hazards and manmade disasters_ their dangers to the lives of people. Their precautionary measures.
  4. The history of home country and the world. Understanding the cultures, values and traditions of the country.
  5. The basic structures of the society such as production, transportation, distribution and consumption of goods and services.
  6. Government services to protect human and natural resources. Facilities for education, health and recreation.
  7. Knowledge about the constitution of the nation, rights and duties of citizens and human rights.
  8. World organizations, foreign policies, international relations and present status of India in the world.

  1. Knowledge the common values of the society as defined by the historical documents of the nation. Laws of the country, religious and cultural heritage of the country.
  2. Understanding national values and international values.
  3. Developing loyalty and patriotism towards one’s own nation and pride towards ones own culture. Equality, freedom etc….
  4. The history of home country and the world understanding the cultures, values.
  5. • Developing a sense of respect for ideals of different communities and different cultures.
    Living and working together, sharing, caring, taking turns being a leader and a follower, respecting the rights of others, being socially sensitive learn self control and self direction.
    Using maps, globe, charts, graphs, magazines, reference material etc… Also to learn to find information and to use information appropriately, researching on different topics, collecting information, analyzing information and writing reports.
    Work as a, member of a team. Taking various roles in small groups, large groups-community etc. Be a leader as well as a follower. Decision making in a group. Cultivating tolerance, team spirit, and developing independent thinking.
    Defining and identifying problems, conducting inquiry, forming and testing hypotheses. Analyzing and interpreting data. Developing thinking skills and critical thinking. Distinguishing between facts and opinions. Inferring cause and effect relationship, reasoning, discussing and decision making.
    So, we can conclude that main aims and objectives of social studies include understanding of human relationships, knowledge of environment, dedication to the basic principles and value of society in which it is taught and commitment to participate in the process through which the society is maintained and improved.


Curriculum of social science for Secondary Schools:
Social studies call upon many fields of knowledge for matter content. It draws concepts from all the social science relating to the study of human relationships, human institutions customs and behavior.
All early levels the S.S. focus attention upon the development of the individual in his immediate environment. Generally, the area of study is expanded to include human relationships in large local community at the level of world understanding.
Social science makes an important contribution to the social education of children. So the subject S.S. has in fact a special responsibility to assist children to learn social living skills. The importance of S.S. is increasing day by day in this country for all the nations as the world has become a global village.

So the schools have to assume a major responsibility to teach the young people of the nation the fundamental knowledge which contributes to make them responsible citizens.
Increased industrialization, globalization, technological growths have contributed to the high need for advance social science curriculum.
Modernization and development in science and technology, city life dwelling, nuclear families etc…. have created a need to prepare students for living in this modern world. These changes in the pattern of family living have deal directly with the social life of the child and have many implications for S.S. teaching.

    It has created complex problems in human relationship. Now the world has become a global village, so the students need to learn different customs, religious beliefs and traditions values from other countries cultures other than their own.
    Democracy cannot work well, unless individuals are taught to live in a democratic society. So children can learn and get experience of democratic procedure in the school and get citizenship education. Therefore S.S. is a very important subject in school comities.
    Social studies are a new subject. Many social sciences contribute to the curriculum of social studies. The following subjects contribute to social science’s curriculum.

PHYSICAL SCIENCE AND SOCIAL STUDIES: These sciences are the sciences which studies the physical environment. Physics, chemistry, astronomy etc. are closely related to social studies.
LANGUAGE AND SOCIAL STUDIES: Social Studies are related with language. Language is the medium of teaching and learning. Social studies have many new concepts and terminology which S.S. can teach.
ART AND SOCIAL STUDIES: Cultural heritage are learned in S.S. Art work and other craft etc. can teach about social behavior of people and human relationship.
MATHEMATICS AND SOCIAL STUDIES: Concepts are also studied in S.S. classes. Concept to weight measures, vouchers, pricing, cost, production. Profit, demand, supply interest rate are all studies in both the above sciences.
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND SOCIAL STUDIES: The elements of environmental science are related to human life so it becomes important to included topics like global warming, climate change, pollution, manmade because they affect the human life.

This Social Science encompass diverse concern of society and include a wide rang of content drawn from the above mentioned social science.
The major mission of Social Science education is to help children learn about the social world in which they live and to understand hoe the world got that way.


  • Developing all round development of students’ personalit
  • Developing responsible, productive and aware citizens.
  • To develop international understanding.
  • To develop national and emotional integration.
  • Develop democratic values.
  • To have community and national spirit and democratic values.
  • To form democratic values healthy habits among students.
  • To use their leisure time productively, learn to relax.
  • Developing right attitude and social efficiency.
  • Creating love for cultural heritage and development of patriotic feelings.

The aim of education and teaching is to modify the behaviour of man in such a way that so many become a useful and productive member of society. Therefore effective teaching is required. Teaching can cause learning. It is based on principles of maxims and some psychological principles.
• Principle of motivation.
• Principle of interest.
• Principle of variety.

1) Proceed from known to unknown.
2) Proceed from definite to indefinite.
3) Proceed from complex to abstract.
4) Proceed from simple to complex.
5) Proceed from particular to general.
6) Proceed from whole to part.
7) Proceed from psychological to logical.
8) Proceed from analysis to synthesis.
9) Proceed from near to far.
10) Proceed from empirical to rational.

1) Principle of selection.
2) Principle of gradation.
3) Principle of linking with life.
4) Principle of activity.
5) Principle of planning.
6) Principle of definite objectives.
7) Principle of democratic.

• Non violence.
• Independence.
• British Rule
• East India Company.
• Bramhosamaj.
• Arya samaj.
• Indian National Congress.
• Civil Disobedient.
• Satyagraha
• Dandi march 12th march 1930
• Latitudes
• Longitudes.
• Altitudes
• Mineral Resources.
• Animal husbandry.
• Plateau.
• Industrial Revolution.
• Natural Hazards
• Climate Change.
• Global warming.
• Wildlife.
• Types of forests.
• Globalization.
• Population.
• Pollution.
• International Understanding.
• Foreign Policy.
• Interdependence.

Map filling activity.
Group Discussions
Finding answers for worksheet
Excursions and field trips
Arranging exhibitions
Display and decoration on bulletin boards
Use of news paper,
Discussion on current events.
News reading,
Preparation o News letters
Talks by experts
Film shows
Talk by a visitor expert.
Chart making.
Model making
Map drawing.


Concept, objectives, content organization, teaching aids and reference materials, Evaluation and Blackboard work.

• A proper planning of lesson is the key to effective teaching. The teacher must know in advance the subject matter and mode of its delivery in the class room.
• This gives the teacher an idea of how to develop the key concepts and how to correlate them to real life solutions and how to conclude the lesson.
• Lesson planning is also essential because effective learning takes place only if the subject matter is presented in an integrated and correlated manner and is related to pupils’ environment.
• Lesson is like a plan of action implemented try the teacher in the classroom.
• According to G.H. green,” The teacher who has planned his lesson wisely, who has related his topic with real life situations and is able to teach the class without any anxiety, ready to embark with confidence, upon a job he understands and prepared to carry it to a warrantable conclusion.
• He has foreseen the difficulties that are likely to arise, and prepared himself to deal with them.
• He knows the aims that his lesson is intended and he will he able to estimate the value of his work as lesson proceeds:

• Lesson Planning makes the work regular, organized and more systematic.
• It helps the teacher to be confident about teaching his lesson.
• It makes the teacher conscious of the aims which make him conscious of attitudes he wants to develop in his students.
• It saves a lot of time.
• It helps the teacher to correlate, but concepts of the lesson with the pupils’ environment.
• It prepares the teacher to ask pre planned questions.
• It provides more freedom in teaching.
• The teacher will have time to prepare or collect the teaching aid her lesson.


• Introduction.
• Presentation
• Association.
• Generalization.
• Application
• Recapitulation

OBJECTIVES: All the objectives that are intended to be fulfilled should be listed.

CONTENT: Is the subject matter that is intended to teach in that particular class. It has to interesting and it should be related to pupils’ previous knowledge? It should be related to daily life situation.
METHOD: The most appropriate method chosen by the teacher to teach that particular lesson. Suitable teaching aids must also prepare some supplementary aids to make this lesson more effective.

EVALUATION: It is to find out if the objectives of the lesson is achieved or not. The aim of the lesson is fulfilled or not. Evaluation helps the teacher to find the students’ understanding of the topics taught and to plan for remediation.

INTRODUCTION: It pertains to preparing and innovating children to the lesson content by linking it to the previous knowledge of the student, by arousing curiosity of the children and making an appeal to their senses. This prepares the child’s mind to receive new knowledge. This is an important step but it must be brief some times the curiosity of pupil can be aroused by some experiment, chart, model, story or some useful discussion.

PRESENTATION: It involves the stating of the objectives of lesson and exposure of students to new information. When the actual lesson begins both student and teacher participate. Teacher should make his teaching effective by using different teaching aids. It should ask appropriate questions.

ASSOCIATION: It is always desirable that new ideas or knowledge be associated to the daily life situation by citing suitable examples by drawing comparisons with the related concepts. This step is very important for establishing principles.

GENERALIZATION: Generally in lessons learning material leads to certain generalization leading to establishment of certain formulas principles or laws. An effort be made that students draw the conclusions themselves.

APPLICATION: This is the last step here the knowledge which is gained by the students can be applied in the real life situations. The student make generalization and learn to apply them to similar other situations. It is a formula or any particular finding them it is used in Gujarat and why cause and effect relationship can be found similar situations.

RECAPTITULATION: Last step of the lesson plan here the teacher tries, to ascertain whether his students have understood and grasped the subject matter or not. The teacher assesses the effectiveness of his lesson by asking questions to the students to label some unlabeled things.

BLACKBOARD WORK: When the teacher has taught the whole of the lesson he should write important substance on the board. He can also draw certain charts and maps on the black board.

1 A good lesson plan should be properly written
2 It should clearly state its objectives clearly
3 It should relate to previous work.
4 It should contain well selected learning activities.
5 The plan should indicate teaching technique to be used.
6 It should have a summary of a whole lesson plan.
7 It should give details of collateral readings.
8 It should indicate total time to be spent over the lesson.
9 It should be planned clearly and carefully.


  1. The explanation of social studies was quite apt and in-depth. thank you.

  2. the scope of social studies is very interesting thanks

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  4. What's the concept of social studies?

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  10. the scope of social studies includes : citizenship education, Humanities,Mathematics , social sciences, natural sciences and society and human relationship

  11. discuss the concept of socia; studies

  12. Pls can I get the concepts of social studies here?

  13. Please can I get the concepts of social studies
